Image Database

Here, in our image database, you can discover and download Mezina’s packshots, lifestyle images, logo, social media materials, as well as content and press materials. If you wish to share our content on social media, we would be delighted if you could use our hashtags #mezina, #salus, or #bach, depending on the brand you’re featuring. Additionally, we kindly ask you to consider linking to our website while you’re at it.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for on this page, or if you have any inquiries regarding the image database, please feel free to reach out to us at


Image database 2022

Mezina is a 100% Danish-owned company. We are one of Denmark’s largest health food suppliers and have been delivering health foods, dietary supplements, and natural remedies to Danes for over 30 years. We take pride in crafting products that aid individuals in achieving improved health and enhanced quality of life. Our headquarters are located in Esbjerg, and we have subsidiaries in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and England.

Here, you can access visuals, texts, and the logo for use on the website and social media channels.


Image database 2022

Dr. Edward Bach developed a homoeopathic treatment in the 1930s based on the ideology that health originates from emotional equilibrium. Bach crafted 38 flower remedies from wildflowers and plants in his own garden at Mount Vernon. Each of the 38 flower remedies possesses distinct focal points and unique attributes.

Here, you can access visuals, texts, and the logo for use on the website and social media channels.

Salus haus

Image database 2022

Salus Haus is a company that develops dietary supplements and quality products for the entire family. Salus Haus is truly exceptional due to their pure, natural ingredients combined with vitamins and minerals, and their history dates back to 1916, when the company was founded by Dr. Otto Greither. 

Here, you can access visuals, texts, and the logo for use on the website and social media channels.

Share with us

We love it when you want to use our materials, and we would be extremely pleased to tag along. Please feel free to send links to your showcasing of Mezina to This way, we can see how Mezina’s design philosophy is being brought to life through your channels.

If you use the images on social media, please do tag #mezina and possibly the product name as well – e.g. #Freeflex.

You are always welcome to reach out to us at

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